Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Season of Firsts

It's hard to believe that Landon is already 8 1/2 months old and just celebrated his first Christmas! I've always known that despite the daily tedium, time has a way of flying by quickly in life. What I never expected, in this new role as Landon's mommy, is how bittersweet and slightly heartbreaking the passage of time is. Before Landon came along, I was habitually guilty of always 'looking-forward' to the next exciting notch on the timeline. It's as if my life were a checklist, and I found satisfaction in 'checking' each milestone off: College? Check! Teaching Career? Check! Wedding? Check! Life as Newlywed? Check! Then came Landon.
From the moment I felt his sweet breath on my cheek and held him in my arms, I instantly wished for every moment with Landon to slow down. I remember laying next to a dewy, newborn Landon as he stretched out his soft fingers and touched my eyes, my nose, my if trying to memorize the feel of his mommy. I closed my eyes and savored every second, vowing to never forget the look of his pink, pursed little lips or the smell of his warm, fresh, new-baby breath.
Despite my efforts, time races on. My wide-eyed baby boy is now crawling, babbling, and growing two new teeth (one on the top, one on the bottom...on the same side!) and I am left wondering; how did we get here so fast? And yet I know, this is only the beginning. It's both exciting and terrifying. I joyously anticipate all of the great things Landon will do, all of the memories we have yet to make. Yet that means letting go, relinquishing my baby to the tight grip of time and trusting God to look after him. Letting go is a process, a necessary evil that is both the goal and the consequence, a pain and a joy. I will constantly be in the process of preparing my little birdy to take flight one day:) For now, though, I celebrate the fact that he still has a long time left to spend in the 'nest'.